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The Silent Pool Page 17

  Painfully and very, very slowly Ellie was finding this part of her way. A shadow rose beyond the sill, the laboured breathing was in the room. There was a moment when the dark shape at the window seemed to hang there motionless, there was another moment when it moved again. With the last of her strength Ellie put a knee on the windowsill and dragged herself over it. She caught at the drawn-back curtain and stood there swaying.

  And then the light came on. She saw the room, and Mary, her hand dropping from the switch. Her lips parted, but no sound came from them. Mary looked at her, aghast. Her jumper, her cardigan, all the front of her skirt, was soaked and dripping. She said,


  Ellie Page stared at her blankly. Her hands slipped from the curtain. The floor in front of her tilted and she went down – down – down.

  It took so long to revive her, and the consciousness to which she did eventually return was of so precarious a nature, that John Lenton’s righteous indignation failed him and he agreed without demur to whatever Mary suggested.

  ‘I can’t leave her, John – she isn’t fit to be left.’

  He looked down at the strained white face on the pillow. They had lifted her on to the bed and covered her. She was deathly cold. He had filled hot-water bottles and heated milk. Until this moment there had been no time for anything but fear and haste. Now quite suddenly he said,

  ‘Why had you taken off her things?’ And then, more sharply, ‘She hadn’t been out like that?’

  Mary did not know just what prompted her answer. She was the most candid of women, but – you don’t tell a man everything where another woman is concerned. She didn’t know just why she had taken off the soaked jumper, the cardigan and skirt, and the wet shoes and stockings before she ran for John. There was, perhaps, some vague idea that Ellie might have tried to drown herself, and that there was no need for him to know. She had stripped the wet things off and pushed them out of sight. When John was asleep she could put them down in the kitchen to dry. She looked at him by the light of the candle which he had shaded from Ellie’s eyes and said without a tremor, ‘I thought she would be more comfortable without them.’

  Chapter Thirty

  It was not Sam Bolton who found the body this time, but the head gardener himself. There was nothing special to take him to the pool, but it was a fine morning after the cloudy night and he was taking what he called a bit of a daunder round the garden before getting on with his autumn seeds. The sun shone out of a blue sky with no more than a streak or two of grey in the west. The sunrise had been too red to promise any continuance of this pleasant state of things. As far as Mr Robertson was concerned, he didn’t trust it a yard, and if Maggie had no more sense than to come telling him what the B.B.C. said about it, he would just have the one word to say to her, and that was, ‘Blethers!’ He hadn’t come to his time of life without having his own ideas.

  He passed through one of the arches of the yew hedge and saw the body in the pool. It lay as the other one had lain, tilted forward over the parapet with the head and shoulders under water. It was Meriel Ford, and there was no doubt in his mind that she was dead. It wouldn’t be any business of his to be touching her. He went up to the house and told Simmons without any fuss.

  The news spread like a spark in a dry field. It reached Janet when Joan Cuttle came up with her morning cup of tea. It took her all she knew to muzzle Joan and get her out of earshot of Stella. She was whimpering and catching her breath as she went, but not daring to raise her voice.

  Janet went to the telephone and rang up Star. She emerged from the nursery half an hour later with her plans made, and ran into Ninian. He said, ‘You’ve heard?’ and she nodded.

  ‘Look, I’ve got to get Stella away. I’ve just been on to Star about it,’

  He gave a slight shrug.

  ‘And what did Star say? She won’t be keen on having Stella in town.’

  Janet had her determined look, brows very straight, eyes very steady.

  ‘It’s all arranged. Star’s friend Sibylla Maxwell will take them in. She has a nursery, and children about the same age. The Maxwells have a big house at Sunningdale. She has been asking Star to take Stella there, so it fits in beautifully. We’re catching the nine-fifteen from Ledbury.’

  He stood there frowning.

  ‘Stella ought to be out of it – you’re right about that. But I don’t know about you. The police will want to see everyone.’

  She nodded.

  ‘Star is meeting us. I’ll take the next train back.’

  ‘That would be the eleven-thirty. I’ll meet it. How are you getting to Ledbury? I don’t know that I can get away.’

  ‘I’ve ordered a taxi. I’m going down now for Stella’s breakfast. Could you possibly stay with her till I get back? I’m not letting her out of the nursery till the taxi comes.’

  All the way up in the train Stella chattered about the Maxwells. They had a garden with a wall round it, they had a swimming-pool, they had a swing. They had two ponies, and they had guineapigs, as well as rabbits. Janet had never seen her so animated.

  Star, meeting them at the terminus, looked at Janet over Stella’s head with frightened eyes. Then said, ‘What is happening?’

  Janet had no answer to give. All her energies had been concentrated upon getting Stella away. When they had got the luggage out of the van Star pulled her aside.

  ‘Janet – what does Stella know?’

  ‘Nothing so far. I watched her like a dragon.’

  ‘I shall have to tell her something.’

  ‘Yes. Why don’t you just say there has been an accident? She doesn’t like Meriel, and I don’t believe she’ll take a lot of notice – not with swimming-pools and ponies and guineapigs to think about. She has been talking about them all the way up.’

  Star held her arm so tightly that she left a bruise.

  ‘I told you something dreadful was going to happen. I had a feeling about it. That is really why I came back. I could have stayed in New York and had a marvellous time, but I just couldn’t! I kept on being frightened about Stella!’

  Janet detached the clutching fingers.

  ‘Star, you’re making a hole in my arm. And there’s nothing the matter with Stella. Take her away and have a good time with her.’

  The return train got into Ledbury at just after half past twelve, and Ninian was on the platform. When they were clear of the traffic he said abruptly,

  ‘They’ve found a handkerchief belonging to Esmé Trent in the summerhouse.’

  Janet made no comment. She watched his dark unsmiling profile.

  ‘They don’t know why she should have dropped it there, and they don’t know when, but it wasn’t there after the first business, because the police say they went through everything in the summerhouse. And it wasn’t there as late as four o’clock yesterday afternoon, because Robertson didn’t like the way the police had left the chairs and he was in there putting them right. According to him, “There was nae handkerchiefs nor other fancy goods tae be seen then.’”

  Janet said,

  ‘How do they know it is Esmé Trent’s handkerchief?’

  ‘Oh, rather a conspicuous article – what Robertson would call kenspeckle. Getting on towards orange in colour, with Esmé all across one corner.’

  ‘And what does Esmé Trent say to that?’

  ‘I don’t know. They’ve been asking us all a lot of questions. You’ll be for it as soon as you get back – or as soon as they do. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it can be to account for one’s simplest actions. Why, for instance, did Adriana and Edna go up to bed at half past nine? Very suspicious for Adriana to be tired of Edna’s exhilarating company, or for Edna to have had enough of that interminable embroidery of hers! And who is Miss Silver, and what is she doing down here? Geoffrey will have to admit that he went to see the girl friend and stayed there for an indefinite period. Not in itself an offence against the law. And, as we know, Meriel was last seen leaving the drawing-room with th
e avowed intention of following him to the study. The police naturally wonder whether she followed him farther than that. He says she didn’t. That leaves you and me to give each other an alibi. It is, of course, highly suspicious to have an alibi at all. And why did we sit up until the riotous hour of half past ten, when as far as we knew, the rest of the virtuous household had gone to bed? Also, why didn’t we hear Geoffrey come in? I did point out that this is a big house, and that the study is well away on the other side of it. I also intimated that we were having quite an interesting conversation, but it didn’t seem to cut a lot of official ice. By the way, I furnished them with a brief biography of you and told them we were engaged, so don’t do anything stupid like shaking my credibility as a witness.’

  ‘You shouldn’t have said we were engaged.’

  ‘Darling, I’ve been telling you so for days. Hasn’t it penetrated? It really will be a Suspicious Circumstance if you start cavilling at what I’ve said. Honestly, you’d better let it ride.’

  Janet was pale and frowning. She said nothing for a minute or two, and then came out suddenly with,

  ‘What is all this about? Do they think – do the police think it wasn’t an accident?’

  His eyebrows rose.

  ‘How many coincidences do you expect a policeman to swallow before breakfast? Do you suppose there was a hope that they would get this one down? Even if there had been nothing more, there wouldn’t have been an earthly.’

  She said, ‘Is there anything more?’

  ‘Oh, yes, I’m afraid there is. You see, Meriel didn’t just fall into the pool. She was struck on the back of the head with our old friend the blunt instrument.’

  Chapter Thirty-one

  The news had come to the Vicarage whilst Jenny and Molly were eating bread-and-milk out of brightly coloured bowls with a pattern of cherries, their fair hair smoothly brushed, their rosy faces newly washed, and their blue eyes intent on the business of breakfast. They made a pleasant picture. Mary Lenton’s colour was not as fresh as theirs. She had slept and waked, and slept and waked again through what had seemed like double the number of hours the night should hold.

  Ellie Page did not wake at all. She lay in a deep exhausted sleep with the sheet drawn up to her chin. Her breathing made no sound, and the sheet did not move. Mary had set a night-light in the wash-basin. It made a faint steady light in the room. Every time she waked and saw Ellie lying so still she felt a cold touch of fear. Sleep should not look so terribly like death. But each time, rising and tip-toeing to the bed, she knew that this was not death, but sleep.

  She was pouring milk into the children’s cups, when John called her out of the room. He put a hand on her arm and took her into the study.

  ‘The baker has just been – I took two loaves. Mary, he says there has been another accident up at Ford House. It doesn’t seem possible, but he has just come from there. He says they found Meriel Ford in that pool – drowned in the same way as Miss Preston. He says the police are there now’

  Mary Lenton turned very pale indeed.

  ‘She was drowned – in the pool?’

  ‘That is what he says. I don’t know if I ought to go up there.’

  ‘Not just now – not while the police are there.’

  He said, ‘How is Ellie? Isn’t she getting up? I shall have to see her about last night. Isn’t she awake?’

  ‘I gave her some hot milk, and she went to sleep again. You can’t talk to her yet.’

  The look on his face was not encouraging. Men must always do things the hard way. He said coldly,

  ‘If she is ill, you had better send for the doctor. If she isn’t ill, she can see me.’

  She said, ‘Wait… No John, I think you must. Don’t you see we’ve got to be careful?’


  ‘Yes, John. You can’t have a scene with Ellie – not now. You really can’t! Mrs Marsh will be here any minute to do the cleaning. I shall tell her Ellie isn’t well and I’m keeping her in bed. Nobody – nobody must know that she was out of the house last night.’

  He gave an angry laugh.

  ‘You’re locking the door after the horse is stolen, aren’t you? Half the neighbourhood seems to know she was getting out at night!’

  ‘But not last night. There mustn’t be any talk about that.’

  He said in a horrified voice,

  ‘What are you suggesting?’

  She took hold of his arm and shook it.

  ‘I’m not suggesting anything. I’m telling you no one must know that Ellie went out last night.’

  ‘We’re to cover up for her – tell a lot of lies?’

  ‘I’m not telling lies, I’m telling the truth. She isn’t well, and I’m keeping her in bed.’

  He pulled away from her and went to the window, staring out. Presently he said without turning round,

  ‘The police say Meriel was murdered.’


  ‘He says he had it from Robertson. She was struck on the back of the head and pushed into the pool.’

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Adriana Ford was waiting for the family to assemble. She sat in an upright chair with the folds of her purple house-gown falling to her feet. Her hair was as carefully ordered, her face as carefully made up, as if this was just any day with everything running smoothly and no shadow of tragedy resting upon the house. She had lunched in her room, and it was there she awaited the people whom she had summoned. Miss Silver sat on her right, the white shawl she was knitting making quite a little heap on her lap, her needles moving swiftly. The door into the bedroom was ajar and Meeson came and went. The chairs had been placed conveniently. The business might have been any family gathering.

  Ninian and Janet came in together. She had not seen Adriana before going up to London, or since her return. She got a brief ‘Good-morning,’ and the remark that for once Star was showing some sense, and at least one of her friends doing a hand’s turn. After which no one spoke till Geoffrey Ford came in. His florid colour was mottled, and he looked like a man who has had a shock. He had seen Adriana already, and sat down without speaking.

  Edna came in last, with her work-bag on her arm and her embroidery-frame in her hand. She had on the black coat and skirt and grey blouse which she had worn for Mabel Preston’s funeral, and she looked very much as she had done on that occasion, but her hair was less wispy than usual and her face less strained. As she seated herself she remarked that it was all very trying, but that she had had a rather better night.

  ‘I don’t like taking anything to make me sleep, but there really does come a time when you feel as if you can’t go on. So I went up early last night and took one of those tablets Dr Fielding prescribed, and I had quite a good night.’

  Adriana drummed on the arm of her chair.

  ‘I am sure we are all very glad to hear it. And now perhaps we can begin.’

  Geoffrey said, ‘Begin what?’

  ‘If I am allowed to speak, I will tell you.’

  She sat with her back to the windows. Her hair took the light. The folds of her dress looked black where the shadows lay. She wore her rings, but no other jewelry – a big clawset amethyst on her left hand, and a blaze of diamonds on the right. She still had very beautiful hands.

  ‘Now!’ she said. ‘I’ve asked you to come here because I think we may all have something we can contribute towards clearing up the things that have been happening. It goes back farther than last night, but I think we will begin with last night, because it is still quite fresh in everybody’s mind. I know we have all made statements to the police, but what you say to the police is one thing, and what may come back to you when you are talking in your own family circle is another. Yes, Geoffrey?’

  He said in a forced voice,

  ‘There are at least three people here who can hardly be said to belong to the family circle. If you want to talk to Edna and myself, we are most willing that you should do so at any time. To Ninian too, if you think he can be of any use.
I must confess I don’t see the need of this formality.’

  Rather to his surprise, she showed no temper.

  ‘Thank you, Geoffrey. A little formality is quite a help in ordering one’s thoughts. As to the people whom I have invited to be present, Meeson has been with me for more than forty years, and I regard her as a member of the family. Sit down, Gertie, and stop fidgeting! I find Miss Silver’s presence a support, and I particularly desire her to be present. And Janet will stay because it is my wish. You may perhaps be interested to know that I rang up Mrs Trent and invited her to come. She refused on the somewhat surprising grounds that she would be looking after her little boy. She said he couldn’t go to school because Ellie Page wasn’t well – it was naturally impossible to leave him alone for half an hour!’ Her voice had a cutting edge.

  Since the spectacle of Jacky Trent left on his own for hour after hour of almost every day was perfectly familiar to everyone in the room, it was not surprising that Geoffrey should look embarrassed, or that Meeson should sniff and toss her head in the background. Edna Ford made no sign and she did not look up. She took a stitch in her embroidery, knotted it, and went on to another.

  When the silence had lasted for what she considered an appropriate time, Adriana spoke.

  ‘I will begin with myself and with what came under my own observation. Miss Silver, Edna, Meriel, Geoffrey and I went straight from the dining-room into the drawing-room. Simmons brought in the coffee. Ninian and Janet came in after that. When he had drunk his coffee Geoffrey left the room, saying that he was going to write letters. Meriel suggested dancing. She said they would need Geoffrey for a fourth, and she said she would go after him and bring him back. She left the room, and that is the last occasion on which anyone admits to seeing her alive. Miss Silver, Edna and I remained where we were until half past nine, when we went upstairs together. We separated on the landing. I came to my room, where Meeson was waiting for me, and I went to bed. Edna, what did you do?’